Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Still Waiting for the Sleep Through the Night

Lorenzo and I are running pretty low on our reserves of sleep around here. It is expected with a 9 week old. The part that is killing us is with Mo. Eight days ago we successfully weaned Mo from his pacifier. It was actually a pretty painless experience overall and he is doing exceptionally well without it. But in the past few weeks he has become afraid of the dark, refusing to sleep unless his bedroom light is on. He is also continually waking up anywhere between 3 and 5 and will only go back to sleep if someone sits in his room with him. It happens so often that Lorenzo has moved an air mattress into Mo's room so he can actually get some semblance of sleep. I'm not even sure where to start to begin fixing this problem. Mo has always, and I mean every morning for the past two years, woken up crying. No playing quietly, no yelling for momma and daddy, just wailing like someone is pinching him. I would consider the cry it out method but then the only person that can sleep through that is Logan. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Logan's sleep schedule is all over the place but he is getting there. He has had quite a few 5-6 hour stretches and the night before last actually had his first 7.5 hour stretch of sleep. The only problem with that is he goes down between 7 and 8pm. I don't go to bed until 11. After his first stretch of sleep he will usually only go down for about two hours at a time. This has had me getting up every night around 2, 4, 6, and up for the day by 7:30. We have also moved Logan out of his cradle and into the pack n play. He is a real wiggle worm and that thing was rocking all over the place. I feel much safer with him in the sturdier bed.

Here is our little burrito during nap time. He loves being swaddled and actually starts smiling and laughing when we begin wrapping him up.

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